My cousin is gone!

These 4 past days have been weird as fuck, 4 days ago i asked my cousin about if he wanted to join the cabin with me and hes brother and he said he didn't have time. And 2 days ago my father comes home and asked me about where he was and i said i didn't know, and it turns out he and hes father ran away from everyone. no one in my family knows where he is, like wtf. idk maybe he comes back, lets just hope.

At the cabin!

These past days i have just been chilling at the cabin in Sweden. I swear it is the most chillest place to be and the best thing about it, me and my cousin fixed a 15 year old Yamaha JR 50 bike. Its not fast but fun as fuck to drive. I also been running, from the cabin and the best water to take a swim in is 5 km in distance and i decided to run it, i never felt so sporty in my life, i ran like a god. I where shocked myself how good i did. By the way i also did a drawing there i can show later..... but yea, peace!