Today I shall try-hard

Now i am exhausted to be in platinum, from now on im going to learn 3 main champs and try to do my best to climb. i will watch lcs players and look up tricks and tips so i can master the art of carrying 1v5. so for my 3 main it shall be Yasuo, Vladimir and Swain. My backup is champs is Vel'koz, Lucian, and Gangplank.

Best movie ever made by The Rock and Kevin Hart!

Today i was thinking of relaxing with a movie and while i was browsing the web i cross upon a movie called Central Intelligence. In my perspective i think its a awesome movie, the comedy is perfect and the story plot is amazing and confusing at the same time. So if you are bored and want to see something that can lighten up the day i prefer this movie. 8/10, ok maybe 9/10 xD! enjoy!

Another gaming day!

just woke up kl l3:00 and i am ready for a whole day gaming like a animal :p, first some Sims 4 and after that probably league, if not then i am going to watch central intelligence xD.

ThatcherJoy with hes crazy prank! just had to share it! xD

Just hit 1 million!

I think i played Sims for about 25 hours now, all in all, and i finely hit $ 1 000 000 in the game! YEEEY! sooo yea.... time to play league of legends again :p!


just got demoted to platinum 3 again on league ;(,,, i cant understand how shitty elo plat has become. Sometimes it feels like i play in diamond and other times it feels like i play with full bronze mach-up. league have become fucked up! ;(,,

New store!

Just have to say that i found out in Sims 4 that i can buy a retail store and its kinda fun and frustrating at the same time, and the most negative with the store is that its so expensive because i bought the biggest store possible (64x64). The house i own there is the same size and every week i have to pay $15k. For those who played Sims 4 they know that it is a lot of $$$ xD.

Normal to do when your a boy?

i just got addicted to Sims 4..... yea i know its kinda weird but is it normal? The game is not bad but i never heard of any boys play it only girls, maybe i get bored with it after a while, but for now Sims 4 time :p

School is over!

after a whole year of school i learned nothing, kinda.... i have done nothing this year and still i walk out with kinda great grades... better than average students, and i gotta say. thank god its summer now! good summer pebs!


today was a fucking amazing day! just walked out of class with a 5 on my project and 6 is the highest <3<3<3<3!!! fuckings 5 holy shit im happy!

Update on the exam progress!

Because i go media and communication at school we got 3 days to make a finished product and day 1 soon over and im kinda 50% done, just need to design the app i planed and done! <3

The exam date!

today is the got dam preparation day for the exam that comes on Wednesday and i gotta say, its not that hard of a task :p but ill be happy when its over! THE SUMMER NEXT!

So close!

I am finely back, in plat 2 promo! and now im so fucking close to diamond that i almost got a tear in my eye xD! i found a way to come there, no bullshit! #Caitlyn! riot nerfed all the adc, but forgot to nerf caitlyn, now she is the stronges fuck on ranked xD

Today has been a looong day!

i finely done with almost all my schoolwork even tho i had to deliver them 5 weeks ago but finely done, 11 hours of work. And tomorrow is a new day to 100% finish the schoolwork with 1 assignment left. Soon summer yey!

13 Hours

13 got dam hours has it been with rendering and its 80% done ;(,,,,


Cinema 4D takes forever to render and i have to deliver the school project tomorrow, rip. i need 6 clips and im only done with 1 because the 2 clip takes now 7 hours to render or more. i wish i had better pc so badly!

New project

At the moment i try to learn animation in cinema 4D, and to be honest its going great even tho i wish i had the worlds best pc. Because rendering is taking decades and my patient is low. But at the end it all will be fantastic!

Help! book readers!

One day i realized that intelligence is the strongest power you can have and yea...... i dont have that superpower but i wanted to read a book just to try something new and i need some inspiration what to read.... help? or hmmmmm. harry potta sounds fun eh, or fifty shades of gray. ;),,, xD idk