
i been bad to post updates lately but exams are real struggle! but its going great!

Holy dam!

this time of the year so annoying! every single test is coming in every fucking lecture! i hate this season and im glad to know its over soon! xD


been gone 2 days from blogging because i just had exams at school and they keep coming :/ but good news is that I'm happy that i did good i think :/ xD


today i said fk it lets play on west on my new account that was not placed in ranked yet and, yea. so far i won 7 out of 8 games and are playing against gold 3 to 1! i think i can get a high rank on west pretty easy! and the best part im playing adc without runes and still winning games! YEEY!

I WON!!!!!

holy shit my climbing is going fucking fast! the 14 or 15 win streak is real! lost track but dam its awesome!

last game of today!

this game i should maybe go adc hmmm... no fk it i go master or darius! brb 40 min to tell if i won or not :p!


omfg i got 13 win streak and i played darius top this last game and holy fk hes broken! i did 1v5 and, yea kinda 1v5 but at least i got tripple and finished game!! gotta love darius!

12 WIN STREAK AND PLAT 4 40 LP!!!!!!!


yea first game i played today i got 7/0/0 darius top and! yea I FKING DELETED TOP! xD and yea i won the game xD hope next will be even better! my new runepage <3<3

today lol!

i was on school 7 hours today and went home to chill and game some more league but when i came home i just felt like i needed to rest my eyes for a bit and now i slept 5 hours WTF! i gotta play lol xD



Last game of today! will it be 100% win rate today!!!!


i fucking did it! i carryed a team 1v5 and im more pissed than im happy! giving noobs got dam freelo! and yea i played master yi :p! 1 MORE WIN AND PLAT 4!!!!

PLAT 4 PROMO!!!!!!!!!

So long!

just won a game that lasted 1 hour and i swear to god im glad i won that game! oh btw 1 more win and im back in promo to plat 4 :p. the winning streak is back <3

How to get better rank!

i just found my true hyper carry mains! if you want to climb in any game you have to choose what item or champs you gonna main! and my mains that actually helps me climb without notice is actually: Kog'Maw at adc top and mid. Rengar at jungle and top. Fiora at top or mid. Hecarim jungle and for the last champ it is Ekko! a real pain in the ass at all lane except adc tho! this is my freelo champs and from now on im gonna tryhard my ass off and get what im playing for! diamond!!!!!


just played Hecarim full movement speed and holy shit! i just hit 1500 movement speed and i had in total 800 ad! so to get to my point i bursted down enemy team 24/7 and it was fucking awesome! i love it xD!


im learning new fingerstyle song on guitar and wonder if someone know any good songs that i can play! im already trying out the song hellow from adele! xD


today is shocking! i won all my games even tho i just played 7! but the thing that the most shocking is that for every single game i have gotten a S with the champ i was playing xD!


i cant believe anymore how fked up plat elo is! first i get 1/12 top gp and next game i get xin 4/19 mid -.- pls riot go **** youself at the moment pls!


my mmr on league is so bad now! i get 16-28lp every game and for a week ago i got 30 lp for every game! so now im playing in bronze just for some fun :p!


i cant believe it i won 2 games in row on league, 1 as support and 1 as adc! i fking love it!

Long day!

after multiple games i finely got 18lp in plat 5 -.-! i should have been in promo again but no i got afk on team multiple games again and people who say, its just normal game and feeds enemy team as fuck! but at least people, my mmr is shit and i got no hope left! so it been a good fucking day!

I 100% lost hope

i cant fucking believe it, its getting worse! i just got 0/16 mid azir on team and my last game i played i had 1/12 jungler who also said im gonna troll -.-! why is ranked so retarded to me?


today! now! i have 95 subscribers! holy shit! its soon 100, thats awesome! but thats not all! I FINELY GOT A GOOD TEAM AFTER 45 GAMES <3! maybe my bad luck turns to good now i hope!


today im ready to lose some games today! i know i wont win! i never have luck on ranked anymore and i always have to full tryhard even tho that never helps when team ruends everything! but ill try to win!

Great day!

i just lost even more and won a little but it was fucking horrible! xD at least i hope, another day, new challenges! good night and peace!

For real my account!

my account is now 100% cancer! like i said before i think its greater players in bronze then it is in plat! at least those in bronze know how to play and dont feed and focus AND KNOWS WHAT OBJECTIVES MEANS! plat is the new cancer when playing league! i lost hope! im stuck!

Back to league :p!

WOW, for real i just found my soul m8 in league! its fucking kog maw! hes so broken i cant understand how people dont ban him! i cant understand why this champ was made! he is more powerful than vayne against tanks and destroys whole teams at the same time! here is my Diamond ticket! KOG'MAW!

dam Leafyishere is right! wtf vids are on youtube these days :)... xD


i played 6 games today and, WTF! when can i get a team who actually can play? at least i played kog top and saved the game so badly again! and some maybe believe that im lying about my team but for real, i seen better players in bronze got dam it!

Ranked why you confusing me?

how the fuck! i actually won a game with kog because of kog! as usual my team is 100% crap but this time late game brainfucked me! i was just standing still and aa enemy and, yea we finished game after 2 ace in row because I fucking deleted everyone!


its a fking nightmare for me on ranked now, i allways get A FKING FEEDING LANE 24/7. this time i got a gangplank mid lane who had 1/14 before 20 min -.- fml, but thats not the worst part. MY TEAM FORGOT TO BAN MASTER YI AGAN -.-!

i dont know anymore!

seems like i never will get back up on the horse, i finely got a good team (not early game). but they feeded so badly early. that i screwed up late game! rip!

great start, kappa!

every game im the only one who does anything, 30 games in row i got usless fking players! elo hell fpidsuhnpdoghfh

Day goal!

today im only playing azir matter what! and my goal is to never lose with him matter what, or atleast get to plat 3 with him today! if i do get plat 3 today then i will gladly send a message to riot to tank them for creating azir!

did it again!

another azir win :p. but 1 thing that i hate is that i just needed to win 2 games to get to promo but riot dc me in champ select so i have to win 3 insted bcs i lost 3 lp so i got 77lp -.- and i get 22 every game! fk!


today i found a champ called Azir xD. one of the most broken unfair shitty champs that can be played today. i deleted a fed jax and a rengar solo and was the main person who carryed a whole shity team! if i get back to plat 3 where i was with azir then im gonna main him for life!


wow, i just hit 80 subscribers and many support me thats awesome! i do my best to improve my content in the future but for now peace!

got dam it!

just lost a match in bronze 2 wtf, couldn't save a team with 2 afk against a enemy jax with same score as me 25/11, fking both had it wtf! but then again i cant 1v5 with a team were top and adc were afk

Pentakill ;/

just played a game were i got 17 stacks on kindered and 2 quadras. only problem is that 1 idiot ks my penta 2 times ;(,,,,,

Bronze is fun

im so tierd of shit team 24/7 in plat so i borrowed a account in bronze 2 and itf so funny, so easy to win and bronze people play so weird. feels like they never played lol xD

that moment

that moment when im support thresh full tank and do more damage when my full ad kindered and full ad tryndamere top and lucian adc -.-



just 1 more lose and im plat 5, so, got dam it im fked, but guess witch lane who lost as fk now! yea ur right it was bot and top -.- pls i beg, i want to get out of this elo hell

I believe

I believe today gonna be a good day, i believe today i shall win every game! even tho im the one who have to tryhard and carry every game, or maybe im more luckier then ever, maybe for once my team will carry me <3, i believe!

Molested week

the whole week has been troll team 24/7, it never stops. why cant boosted people get instaban or derank pls

Soon 3k views

lol i only have a few lol videos on youtube and i almost hit 3k views, for me thats amazing xD and also 100 subs <3


just played a game where i got a master yi on team and yea, he was total shit and went afk around 15 min after feed, same as my adc. but the best part of it was that my retard team dident want to surrender when we where 3v5 and lb and darius and fking kha where fed as fk -.- riot fk ur system of matchmaking

another promo lost

i lost fking promo again bcs retard team thinks that master got 0 damage therefor they dont ban him but fking usless champs who easy to counter like zed and gragas -.- and vayne wtf

Another day to tryhard

still in plat 3 promo with 1 loss and 0 win. time to play some Darius to get them free wins <3

For real Cancer team!

i couldn't carry a team where i was 18/2 around 35 min bcs my whole team was for real usless. they did nothing and all of then where going damage items. STILL THEY DID NOTHING. and a trundle enemy and Soraka is impossible to take while im 1v5 bcs team allways dead or #usless G FKING G. gotta love them promos!

here is a prof that master yi is an easy champ to fking hyper carry with!!

I was wrong!

i just got a bad mutherfking team who fed early and dident know position and team work. but i picked master yi just bcs i really wanted to win and HOLY FK! i took a fking solo quadra kill and missed penta bcs the last one flee away before i got to him. MASTER YI is the MUTHERFKING key to VICTORY!

Duo partner?

its a real struggle in the solo queue in plat 4, its impossible to climb solo. but that not the worst part, most of the time used on lol is sitting in queue waiting for games, for me its around 20min every time to get into a game and many forget to fking accept the fking ready to play at start and also many leaves when they are in champ select. but top of my list is those who go afk at the moment the game starts and never returns -.- got dam it its a struggle in plat


just lost the got dam promo bcs insane retard adc at first game and retarded jungler 2 game, start off with a adc who dont know how to aa as vayne and have 0/9 before 20 min and support that roams 24/7 and dies. 2 game i get a full ad kha who did less damage then a tank karma support. love matchmaking.

Back in the promo to plat 3, the winning streak is back!

Darius the new meta!

i cant believe how broken Darius is! just won 2 in row bcs of that champ. the only thing i did in team fight was hitting 1 q and r, then i deleted them 1 after another! ban him pls xD


after i got a skin from a friend i finely got out of the losing streak after 7 lost games in row, feels good and i hope this time i get a winning streak again :p

got a friendly gift on league today :)

demoted bcs shit team 6 times in row feels so good!

thug life on ranked FK

just had to win 1 game to get to plat 2 promo but no, instead i get a feeding team 5 times in row and a lux who hit 3 out of 41342342 spells -.-. dont think its good day form me to play ranked ;/

a new day, more games to play xD

today ill try to climb back up to the promo for plat 2 again. hope it goes well, and the moment i hit diamond ill start editing my journey to diamond. a video of how fked up lucky i been and how unlucky i been at the past games i played, and ofc some fail moments ;)

Original promos

plat 2 promo lost bcs an afk top lane who picked fiddlestick and a afk jungler jax with 0/7 same as top wtf, but that not worst part, it was a fking nidalee and trundle who got fed. trundle 1v4 and nidalee just sniped our as* with 1 q gg plat 2 promo, gotta love it


just climbed from plat 4 with 0LP to plat 2 promo gg
SOON diamond o.0 yeeey

2 550 views

just hit 2 550 views thats awesome xD
for others kinda low but still fking awesome for me xD

Diamond Intro

Fktard minion montage #3

Diamond in elo hell! League of Legends

Ez Pentakill League of Legends

2015 Montage "League of Legends" Pentakill, bo** vel"koz and random gli...

Troll Tahm Kench League of Legends episode 2

Pentakill Graves on Ranked Match

Rip Lee sin League of Legends episode 1

art work and main champ

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